Work – Place of mind-matter that matters to me

Work – A space where I can make a difference through my thoughts and presence. Place where I matter and the things I do or don’t do show up with a compounded effect. A space that tests all the imposter beliefs I have about myself.

Sindhya – Manager by profession and a free spirit by nature!

The thought that I am responsible for making a difference in people’s lives gives me a rush and energizes me to wake up and go to the same place everyday. I would be lying if I said everything is roses and champagne always. There have been hard days, which have turned into weeks in a row. I question every belief of mine; when I reflect later it would have all started with one thing and it gets spiraled into a self-critical exercise with me questioning my SELF.

 I realized at one point…Why am I attaching my Self-Esteem, Self-Worth, and Validation around things and people at work? If anything, all the people are going through the same struggles consciously or unconsciously. The day I realized this (it wasn’t overnight), I am more at peace than not. Even though our lives are closely tied with the Software Lifecycle and its maturity in the real world, the thought that people are involved from inception to delivery made me believe more in my SELF and the attitude I bring to the table and the difference it can create in me and around me.

Note to my self – Learnings from past, present for future

  • Have a mentor for life, I was blessed to have an amazing mentor. 
  • Your attitude matters
  • We are dealing with humans, treat them with Kindness and you will never lose. 
  • Be intentional about everything, then the outcome will be gratifying
  • Always think solutions – Not Who did this, when did this happen and How did it happen (Let’s save it for RCA’s once the chaos settles)
  • It’s not always about you
  • Worried? Scared? Not sure what to do – Remember, this too shall pass

— A girl with a convoluted mind! 😉