How the meaning of work evolved for Arshita !

What does work mean to me?

We live in a world where sadly our work defines our identity. When we are introduced to someone, the questions are typically, “What’s your name?” followed by “Where do you work?” and “What do you do?”. The response is immediately used to classify people in categories with pre-defined attributes and associated success scores.

“For a long time, work to me meant, being the rockstar on that scale, defined by people I barely knew! “

Today, I am glad to report, work means something different.

  • Work feeds my curious soul that needs constant intellectual stimulation. My dear partner says, boredom can make me a menace to society, so I am glad to be challenged every day to solve complex problems across different industries
  • Work is the outlet for my nurturing nature. I truly believe in giving back through coaching and mentoring, especially, to women. I wouldn’t be where I am today if multiple folks had not taken the time to stop, listen and guide.
  • Work provides me the platform to be the voice of a minority female in male dominated boardrooms around the world. I am proud to be that representative 
  • Work has upgraded my DNA to dream without limits. My mantra – “Everything is possible girl, you just haven’t cracked the code yet”

Lately, work has become less about me and more about the society, climate change and gender equality. I am excitedly looking forward to see what this new phase has to offer!!

– Arshita, an ever evolving individual in the midst of redefining herself….she just hasn’t cracked the code yet 😉

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