Work – something that ignites curiosity

Looking back at time, I feel like I have always wanted to be a software engineer The world of analysing problems and creating solutions through programming had captured my heart at a  young age. And today,  I interpret work to be something that ignites the same curiosity and excitement. It lets me find ways to utilize my potential and also fulfill the need to be valuable to the community. 

I have been working for over a decade now. In these years I have grown tremendously. My work had provided me with opportunities to code alongside incredibly talented people,  helped me in recognizing my shortcomings and also created avenues for improvements. In addition, I get to provide solutions to some of the major companies in the market.

“I was surprised by the surge of energy and confidence that the new workplace brought in me”


Undoubtedly, workplace culture also plays an important factor in how I perceive worklife. Even though I am passionate towards my work,  I had been through a period of slump and had started doubting my competence. That was until I moved across oceans and started working in a different environment. I was myself surprised by the surge of energy and confidence that the new workplace brought in me. It is hard to find a perfect workplace,  but I feel grateful to be working in a culture that supports and encourages you to be innovative and also focuses on your professional development.

I am still a learner, continuously trying to hone my skills. 

– RB, Software Engineer from Sydney.