Mentorship : Topic for June

This month of June, we will talk about mentorship and try to answer various questions and bust some myths around it, all in the form of real life experiences. We have some exciting personal stories to share, both from mentees and mentors point of view.

Why do you need a mentor?
Is one mentor enough?
How do you find one ?
What to expect from a mentor?
Who can be your mentor?
Who should seek a mentor?
Is seeking a mentor indicative of your weakness? That you are not self-sufficient?
How should you make the most of having a mentor?

There will be phases in our lives, both personal and professional where we wish for guidance to overcome some hurdles and move forward. To explain mentorship in simple terms, its as simple as asking for advice and help to make progress.

In this millennial world, career coaching and mentorship programs are thriving, underlining the importance of having mentors in our life. They could be anybody from our peers, parents, bosses, sister, friend or somebody from our network. But how many of us have one? How many of us actively seek out help and advice? How many us know how to make the best use of a mentor and well-wisher if we are blessed to have one? .

STAY TUNED as we hear stories and experiences from people who have walked this path and gained immensely!